Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Bad Friends

sometimes I'm annoyed with the behavior of this one best friend. I could not figure out why he had thought that he just wants to be friends with me because of economic factors. my friend was too confident. if I must be honest my friend does have a selfish nature and pedendam. Honestly, I'm not happy with the nature of it. he always underestimated myself and others that he feels worse than him.

I feel less like friends with her. sometimes I think, if I should leave her with its reasons that made me uncomfortable.

my friend is less than the economic terms, but whether because of economic factors as he made it his weakness?.
friends with her I felt my life became chaotic.
 the nature of my friend is selfish, petulant, spoiled, sassy, funny, pushy, haters.

Maybe Right now I HATE HER

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